Is northern Europe’s largest of it’s kind, and it’s interior is very nicely and luxuriously designed in primarily wood and gold. So if you are up for gambling – it being either poker, blackjack, roulette, and much, much more, be sure to check out the only place in Copenhagen where you can loose all your money in one evening – Casino Copenhagen.
They are open daily from 14:00 – 04:00, and free entrance every Wednesday from 14:00 – 18:00.
Casino Copenhagen have a series of dress codes – with one primary one that states everyone must wear normal nice clothes. They are pretty strict about some stuff, and you are sure to be turned down at the entrance if you show up in sports outfit, shorts, caps, sunglasses and tank tops. At larger poker tournaments however, there are less strict dress codes for the players.
Remember your picture ID for entrance fee (DKK 90 for a day, and DKK 225 …