Is northern Europe’s largest of it’s kind, and it’s interior is very nicely and luxuriously designed in primarily wood and gold. So if you are up for gambling – it being either poker, blackjack, roulette, and much, much more, be sure to check out the only place in Copenhagen where you can loose all your money in one evening – Casino Copenhagen.
They are open daily from 14:00 – 04:00, and free entrance every Wednesday from 14:00 – 18:00.
Casino Copenhagen have a series of dress codes – with one primary one that states everyone must wear normal nice clothes. They are pretty strict about some stuff, and you are sure to be turned down at the entrance if you show up in sports outfit, shorts, caps, sunglasses and tank tops. At larger poker tournaments however, there are less strict dress codes for the players.
Remember your picture ID for entrance fee (DKK 90 for a day, and DKK 225 for a week) and for cash withdrawals. There are ATM’s inside.

Getting there:
We recommend taking bus 5A from Copenhagen Central Station or Nørreport Station, with direction towards Sundbyvester Plads/Lufthavnen(Airport), and get off just a few stops after Langebro. Ask the driver to tell you when you are there, if in doubt.
Casino Copenhagen
have existed since 1990 where it back then opened up as the first of it’s kind in Denmark. Today more than 160 employees are ready to suit your every need, as they either waiter you or suck you out of every cent on the roulette.
Today there are daily and weekly (bigger) tournaments in all sorts of games, with poker as the most visited of the games. There are sit and go’s running almost all the time, with clocks ticking down to the next tournament starting. A nice game of live poker is always fun, so we recommend you taking a visit to Casino Copenhagen. In case you can’t make it to visit them, there are plenty of great online choices, like top-rated UK online casino sites. Discover them by reading reviews at the site and enjoy the many perks of online gambling.
If you like visiting Casinos just as much as we do, and you would like to kill time until you can visit Casino Copenhagen – then we can recommend Intercasino, which we have been using online for a few years now.
Claim your starting bonus from Intercasino today, and start earning money towards your Copenhagen holiday!